Night murder in Shamkir

On the night of August 8, about 02:00 in law enforcement agencies received information about the murder of a 36-year-old resident of the Shamkir district of Xiama Vilates Gyza Gasymova. Woman died as a result of gunshot wound.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, during the investigation it was found that the woman died from shots from hunting weapons. According to the primary information, a resident of the village of Yeni Hayat, the 72-year-old Sahib Hasanov on the basis of a personal conflict twice shot from a hunting rifle in his son of his son S. Hasimov.

In the Prosecutor’s Office of the Shimkirsky district, a criminal case was initiated under Article 29, 120.1 (murder attempt).

S. Hasanov is detained as a suspect in the case and attracted to the consequence.