Nobel Prize Of Economics Was Awarded To An American Scientist

Nobel Prize laureates for economics were American scientists Daron Ajemoglu, Simon Johnson of the Massachusetts Institute and James Robinson from the University of Chicago.

The Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences announced the Nobel Prize laureates in economics, having completed the six -day cycle of announcement of awards. The prize is considered the most prestigious in the field of economic sciences.

The reward to the Turkish native of Ajemoglu and the British Johnson and Robinson was awarded for the study on how institutions are formed and how they affect welfare.

“This year laureates in economic sciences – Daron Ajemoglu, Simon Johnson and James Robinson – demonstrated the importance of public institutions for the prosperity of the country. Society with poor supremacy of the law and institutions operating, do not generate growth or changes for the better. Research of laureates help We understand why, ”the press release of the committee said.

The Nobel Prize for Economics in 2023 was awarded to the American Claudia Goldin for researching women in the labor market.

Nobel Prize

Nobel Prize is one of the most prestigious international awards, annually awarded for outstanding scientific research, revolutionary inventions, a major contribution to the culture or development of society. The prize awarded by the Nobel Fund, founded on June 9, 1900, is named after the Swedish chemist engineer, inventor and industrialist Alfred Nobel.

The rewarding procedure is preceded by a lot of work, which is conducted all year round by numerous organizations around the world. The final selection of laureates is carried out by the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, the Swedish Academy, the Nobel Assembly of the Caroline Institute and the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

The prize has been awarded since 1901 for outstanding achievements in the field of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, as well as for activities to strengthen the world.