North Korea considers strategic partnership agreement with Russian Federation as “military union”

North Korea made it clear that the agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership, signed during the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin, is a “Pact” that has a resemblance to the military union with the USSR during the Cold War.

According to the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (CST), the contract signed the day before includes “provision of military assistance in case of attack on one of the parties” and “non -power of agreements with other countries directed against the interests of the other side”.

“In the event that one of the parties is undergoing armed with an attack on the part of another state or group of states and is at war, the other side will immediately provide military and other assistance to all the means at its disposal and, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and the DPRK, 51 -1 article of the UN Charter, ”the text of the contract says.

Article 51 of the UN Charter provides for the right to individual or collective self -defense in the event of an armed attack.

– Is the agreement a new military alliance?

Russian President Vladimir Putin the day before made a state visit to North Korea, an agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership was signed between the parties.

The Russian leader did not use the word “Alliance”, but stated that the contract provides that the other party would provide military assistance if one of the parties is attacked.

In turn, the DPRK leader Kim Jong -un called the “Pact” agreement and emphasized that relations between the two countries enter the period of new flow.

The Soviet Union and North Korea signed a bilateral treaty on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance during the Cold War in 1961. The agreement also included a mechanism providing for “automatic military intervention.” Accordingly, it was assumed that in the case of an attack on one of the parties, the other side without hesitation would provide military and humanitarian support.