in North Korea released a documentary film dedicated to the activities of the leader of Kim Jong Yana in 2021. A special place in the film is paid to rumors about shaking the health of the head of the DPRK.
Creators of the tape Changes in the appearance of the North Korean leader of the author tied his diligent work per year, who became especially difficult for the DPRK because of the coronavirus pandemic and the food crisis, writes “” with reference to the British edition of Mirror.
So, in the film, in particular, showed a moment as the heighted Kim Jong Yun descends on the stairs during one of his trips. At this time, the voice for the scenes explained that the politician completely worn, because he was strongly suffering and worried, working on to carry out the dreams of his people.
It is expected that in the coming weeks Central Television of Korea (KCTV) will repeatedly broadcast this film on its air.