Number of those who died during attacks of SBR on village in Sudan increased to 180

The number of quick response forces (SBR) to the village of Veda-En-Nora in the province of Al-Jazir in the central part of Sudan increased to 180 people. This is stated in the message of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sudan.

“The monstrous reprisal, made by the militias of the SBR in the Veda-En-Nor of the province of Al-Jazir, took the lives of more than 180 unarmed residents of the village, including children and women,” the statement said.

The department noted that “the mass murder in the Veda-En-Nor is beyond the crimes of international recognized terrorist groups.”

This incident took place “due to the inaction of the international community in relation to the SBR and their foreign mercenaries,” the Sudan Foreign Ministry said.

“This is similar to the approach used during the Rwanda genocide in 1994. This mass reprisal should become a turning point in the views of the international community in relation to SBR. They should be considered as a terrorist organization that pose a threat to all of humanity,” the said in message.

Armed conflict in Sudan

The armed confrontation between the army of Sudan and the SBR began on April 15. The reason for the clashes was the issue of integration of the SBR into the structure of the army.

The fighting that began in the capital soon covered other units of the country. The Sudan government called on the international community to declare the SBR “terrorist grouping”.

The bloodshed does not stop contrary to agreements on the ceasefire and international pressure on the conflicting parties.

According to the UN, 25 million Sudanists, about half of the population, need humanitarian assistance.

Attempts by the international community to achieve a ceasefire were unsuccessful due to mutual accusations and the inability of the parties to agree on the conditions made.