Number Of Victims Of Cholera Epidemic In Sudan Increased To 56 People

The number of victims of the cholera epidemic in Sudan increased to 56 people.

According to the Ministry of Health of the Sudan, in the provinces of Kesel and Gedaref, another 128 cases of infection with cholera were revealed.

The total number of cases of infection of infection in the East African country has grown up to 1351, the department notes.

At the same time, 156,995 residents of Sudan affected the negative consequences of heavy rains and floods that fell on 10 of the 18 provinces. As a result of floods, 16,188 were completely destroyed, partially – 14,099 houses.

annually during the period of storm rains in Sudan, which lasts from July to October, more than 100 people die, tens of thousands of houses, office premises and agricultural land are damaged.

In Sudan, an armed conflict continues, the healthcare system is not able to provide citizens with effective services. The spread of epidemic diseases complicates the lives of people.

The Ministry of Health of Sudan on August 27 said that since June, due to the consequences of rainfall and floods in ten provinces of the country, 138 people were killed.

cholera is an acute diarrheal infection caused by the Vibrio Cholerae bacterium when infected food or water enters the body. Cholera remains a global threat to public health and one of the signs of inequality and lack of social development. In the absence of treatment, it can end in a fatal outcome in a few hours.

Safe water supply and compliance with basic sanitary and hygiene standards are of great importance for preventing and combating the spread of cholera and other diseases transmitted through water.