Number Of Victims Of Forest Fires In Los Angeles Reached 10

The number of victims of forest fires raging in Los Angeles (California, USA) increased to 10. The local health department reported this.

natural disaster continues to extend to new territories.

The fire destroyed or damaged more than 10 thousand buildings.

The fire in the Paliseids area covered about 20 thousand acres, 6 percent localized. As a result, the fire covered almost 14 thousand acres, localized – 0 percent.

Sheriff of the Los Angeles district, Robert announced the introduction of a curfew. According to him, the commandant hour will operate from 18:00 to 6:00 in Paliseids, Office and other injured areas around the fires of fire.

Pasadena mayor Victor proudly stated that evacuated residents should not return to their homes until they receive the appropriate notification from the authorities.

Currently, almost 180 thousand people are prescribed in the Los Angeles County, another 200 thousand are in the zone where a warning about possible evacuation is valid.