Number of victims of village in Kyrgyzstan has increased

As a result of the gathering of mudflows in the Osh region of Kyrgyzstan, at least 13 people were killed. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Kyrgyz Republic.

previously reported nine who died in the Nookatsky district of the Osh region, where on June 28, as a result of pouring rains to settlements, a village fell.

According to information, on Sunday in the Kara-Kuldzhinsky district of the region, 4 more people were killed.

Hundreds of people are involved in rescue and liquidation work.

On the eve of July 30, a special forces arrived in the city of Osh with humanitarian aid from Kazakhstan. This was reported in the press service of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Kyrgyz Republic.