On June 8, flight of second astasaver astronaut will be held

The Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatikh Kajyr said that the suborbital research flight of the Second Turkish astronaut Tuva Jihangir Atasever will be held on June 8 from the Virgin Galactic cosmodrome in New Mexico, USA.

Kajyr organized a press conference in the Ministry on the topic “Soborbital research flight of the Turkish Space Scientific Mission” together with the Turkish astronauts Alper Goseravchi and Atasvere.

noting that the “Turkish mission of astronauts and scientists” has opened a new page in the country’s space path, he said: “Over the past 22 years, under the leadership of our president, we have made the largest investments in our human resources and strengthened our infrastructure of research and innovation. Having focused on changing the paradigm in technology, we increased our opportunities in research, development and production and have achieved constant success in many areas for centuries. Thanks to the technological ecosystem created, we are more than ready to use the unlimited capabilities provided by the cosmos. “

The minister noted that Turkey is now a country that can develop, produce and test its own satellites, and that thanks to the İMece satellite, which has completed the first year of work. Now the pictures can be taken from anywhere in the world without any restrictions.

reminding that on July 8, the domestic and national communications satellite Türksat-6A will be sent, Kajyr said: “With Türksat-6A, we will become one of the 11 countries capable of developing and making communication satellites.”

He noted that space technologies are not limited to satellites, according to the minister, the national space program was announced to protect the rights and interests of the country in space and become an important player in the global space race.

Kajyr said that 10 goals were set within the framework of the program: “One of them is the“ Turkish astronaut and a scientific mission. ”This was carried out as part of the first manned space mission of Turkey thanks to the Alper Gveravja space mission. This scientific mission made a great contribution to the scientific The community, having conducted 13 experiments from genetics to biology, from physiology to the immune system, has become a source of inspiration for our youth, looking at the horizon. “

The minister added that the space mission was a new beginning for Turkey in the direction of the formation of a scientific society.

– Ataseever will conduct 7 experiments in space