Only “hot Point” Of Biodiversity In World: Succulent Karu

Eco-Region “Sukkualent Karu”, which begins in the southwest of the South African Republic and extends along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean to the Namib desert, is “the only arid focus of biodiversity in the world.”

Biodiversity hot points are used to determine the environmental regions that are threatened, in which there are at least 1,500 endemic plant species and which have lost more than 70 percent of their vegetation.

According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), in the world there are 36 “hot spots”.

on these hot spots, occupying about 2.5 percent of the surface of the Earth, there are almost 60 percent of the variety of ground species on Earth.

2 500 endemic species

According to the information received by the Anadola agency in the SanParks National Parks, the Karu Sukkualent, which occupies about 116 thousand square kilometers of semi -desert land, is the only arid hot point among 36 “hot spots” in the world.

This region, where more than 6 thousand species of plants grow, of which about 2500 are endemic, has already lost more than 80 percent of its vegetation.

On the other hand, the richest variety of succulent plants in the world is growing in the succulent Karu.

These plants, also known as succulents and capable of surviving even in the most arid regions due to their advanced properties to stock up water in the leaves and roots, make up an important part of the vegetation of the sukkualent of punishment.

National Park of Tankva Karu

National Park of Tancwa Kara in the south -west of South Africa is one of the best protected areas of this “hot point”.

On an area of ​​about 1,500 square kilometers in Tankva Kara, 780 species of plants grow, most of which are endemics, as well as more than 180 species of birds.

It is recommended to visit the park in August-October to observe birds accompanied by a rich variety of vegetation.

Abandoned farm houses in the park that were bought and evacuated by SanParks for damaging vegetation, cause visitors a deep feeling of abandonment.

Transport, accommodation, food and drinks

In the park, which is located about 4 hours from Cape Town, it is recommended to spend at least 1 day.

In the park and its environs there are various accommodation options, including campsites, but there are no restaurants, no markets, nor gas stations.

For this reason, tourists need to stock up on food, drinks and fuel.