Operation against Sicilian Mafia: Dozens of Arrested

More than 30 people were arrested by last night in the Sicilian province of Messina during a joint special operation to combat organized crime, which was held by the police, carabine and financial guard of Italy, a representative of the Carabinierov told reporters.

In specifying the control of the control of Mafia Messina, the blow was applied on several powerful mafia clans, one of whom headed the Boss Giovanni Lo Duka, recently released after serving the 13-year term of imprisonment in prison. Now he is arrested again and together with him the bars sent 20 people who were engaged in various types of criminal business. Another 10 of their accomplices are placed under house arrest.

All the arrested charges were charged with involvement in mafia activities, extortion, drug trafficking, abduction, the applied of serious injuries, illegal storage and wearing weapons and other crimes. Special attention of the investigation was caused by episodes related to fraud during the elections, in which both mafia and political community were involved.

During the investigation, which lasted for more than two years, it was found that the clan Lo Duki actually took control of all criminal activities in Messina. At the same time, the Boss played the role of the “authoritative” leader, who solved various problems that arose between the leaders of other local criminal groups.

In parallel, the financial guard staff conducted an investigation into the activities of the clan led by Salvatore Sparacho, which controlled the profitable sector associated with gambling and tote. One of the companies engaged in this type of business during the operation was confiscated. Law enforcement officers also seized significant values ​​from mafiosi and put arrest on the activities of several enterprises.