Oppenheimer’s grandson called for use of nuclear energy in fight against climate change

The world has entered a new era, more dangerous than ever. This was stated at a press conference in Tokyo Charles Oppenheimer, the grandson of American physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, who played a role in the development of an atomic bomb, dropped in Japan during the Second World War.

Oppenheimer emphasized that during this period it is necessary to activate the dialogue between countries with nuclear energy

He believes that if they “do not activate communication and dialogue”, the growing tension between the United States, China and Russia “can be the biggest danger in the world.”

“I believe that we can learn from our ancestors, including my grandfather. Listening to their advice today is more important than ever. I believe that we can use nuclear energy for good purposes,” said Oppenheimer.

The grandson of the famous physicist emphasized that nuclear energy should be used more widely in the fight against climate change.

“We can use the same science and technology to save the world, and not destroy it,” he stressed.

During his visit to Hiroshima in the southeast of Japan, the grandson of Oppenheimer met with victims of the atomic bombing, known in the city as “Hibakusya”, including the director of the Hiroshima Hiroshima Memorial Harada Hiroshi.

The grandson of the American physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, who is considered the “inventor of the atomic bomb”, 49-year-old Charles Oppenheimer lives in the USA.

The grandson of Oppenheimer is also the founder of the non -governmental organization “Oppenheimer Project”, which supports the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

The film “Oppenheimer” about the physicist of Robert Oppenheimer received awards

The biographical film “Oppenheimer”, telling about the life of the American physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer and the process of developing an atomic bomb, received an Oscar in 7 categories at the award ceremony of the American Film Academy.

The film telling about the process of designing an atomic bomb by the Oppenheimer and a group of scientists was shown in many countries, especially in the USA, in July 2023, and at the end of March of this year was shown to the audience in Japan.