Over 121 Thousand Were Resettled From Border Regions Of Kursk Region

Over 121 thousand people have already been resettled from the border regions of the Kursk region. They were taken out of nine settlements.

This was announced by Deputy Director of the Department of Information Policy of the Russian Emergencies Ministry Artem Sharov during a press briefing, Russian state media reports on Monday, August 19.

According to him, over the past day, the dangerous zones in the Kursk region have left over 650 people.

At the same time, all immigrants are placed both in relatives and in temporary points.

“From the beginning of evacuation measures from the territories of nine border regions, more than 121 thousand people have been reserved,” said Sharov.

He also noted that the evacuation work does not stop. The relocation of citizens from dangerous areas is still continuing.

Earlier it became known that 10,000 people have already been accommodated in temporary maintenance points. Moreover, the PVR are located throughout Russia.

The situation in the Kursk region

The aggravation of the situation in the border regions of the Kursk region of the Russian Federation began on the morning of August 6, after the Ukrainian army began to conduct an operation in the region. Fierce battles between Russian and Ukrainian troops continue in the border areas, large -scale drones attacks are recorded in the settlements, rocket hazard signals are periodically sounded.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the battles after the APU broke into the Kursk region continued mainly in Korenevsky and Sudzhansky, partially – Belovsky and Logovsky regions of the region.

According to the latest data from the Russian side, as a result of attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 12 civilians were killed in the region, more than 120 people were injured. The situation in the region has been recognized as a federal emergency.

In addition, against the backdrop of an exacerbation of the situation in the three Russian regions, the regime of a counter -terrorist operation (KO), which touched the Belgorod, Kursk and Bryansk regions, is introduced.

In the meantime, in a number of regions the evacuation of civilians continues. On August 12, the acting governor of the Kursk region Alexei Smirnov reported to Vladimir Putin that out of 180 thousand people subject to evacuation, 121 thousand inhabitants had already left the region.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian side claims that in the Kursk region it was taken under control of 1150 square meters. km of territory and 82 settlements.

Earlier, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that the city of Sudzha transferred to the control of the Ukrainian army.

Suda gas-measuring station is located near the Russian-Ukrainian border and today remains the only route for the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine to Europe.