Over First Month Of Season, Export Of Hazelnuts From Turkey Amounted To About 197.6 Million Dollars

In the first month of the hauling house of 2024-2025, Türkiye received an income of 197 million 563 thousand $ 194 from the export of this product.

In a written statement by the Association of Exporters of the Black Sea Hall and products, information is given from it about the first month of the export season of 2024-2025, which began on September 1.

The statement notes that from September 1 to September 30, 24 thousand 926 tons of hazelnuts in the amount of 197 million 563 thousand 194 dollars were sold abroad. For comparison, over the same period last season, 24 thousand 462 tons of hazelnuts were exported, which brought 152 million 866 thousand 779 dollars.