Parliament Of Georgia In Second Reading Supported Law On Prohibition Of Propaganda Of LGBT

Georgian parliament at a plenary session in the second reading adopted a package of legislative changes on the prohibition of propaganda of LGBT.

81 deputy with a quorum of 50 people voted for the changes. Nobody opposed.

The main goal of the bill is to clarify the issues related to marriage, adoption of minors and care, the use of medical manipulations to change the floor. May 17 will be established by the day of the holiness of the family and respect of the parents.

According to amendments, in Georgia, a ban on registering any marriages is introduced except the union of a man and a woman, as well as on the adoption of minors with homosexual pairs.

A ban on surgical sex change operations is also introduced, for a violation of which a criminal punishment is provided for imprisonment from 1 year to 4 years. For the propaganda of LGBT in the educational institutions, individuals will be fined by 1.5 thousand Lari (about $ 532), the legal entity – for 4 thousand Lari (more than $ 1.4 thousand). Broadcasters will be forbidden to show intimate same -sex scenes or advertising of this content on the air.

For the distribution of advertising with the theme of the LGBT individuals will be fined by 800 Lari (about $ 284), the legal entity – by 2.5 thousand Lari (about $ 886).

The spread of minors about the change of sex or homosexual relations provides for a fine of 1 thousand Lari (about $ 355) for individuals and 3 thousand Lari (more than $ 1 thousand) for legal entities.

The country will prohibit public meetings or manifestations aimed at popularizing the topic of LGBT. According to amendments to the Criminal Code, violations providing for a monetary fine are threatened with deprivation of freedom for up to two years.