Parliament Of Ukraine Approved New Ministers

Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine approved the new ministers of justice, sports, environmental protection, as well as the Minister of Development of Communities and Territories. This was reported by Ukrainian media with reference to deputies of the legislative body.

, Olga Stephanina was appointed head of European and Euro-Atlantic integration to the post of head of the Ministry of Justice and Deputy Prime Minister on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration.

A new Minister of Development of Communities and Territories and part-time vice-prime minister for the restoration of Ukraine was also appointed. They became Alexei Kuleb. Earlier, he headed the Kyiv Regional Military Administration, then transferred to the post of deputy head of the president’s office.

Svetlana Grinchuk, who served as Deputy Minister of Energy, became the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources. 246 deputies supported her candidacy.

The Minister of Youth and Sports appointed Matvey Poor, who still acted as the head of the department. The corresponding decision was made in 239 votes.

Earlier, the approval of the candidacy of Andrei Sibigi was approved for the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.