Participants in global media forum got acquainted with sights and nature of Shushi

Participants in the Global Forum “New Media in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution” in Shush got acquainted with the historical places and nature of the city of Shusha.

First, the guests visited the walls of the Shushin fortress. Here they were told about the history of the city of Shusha, the construction of fortress walls.

It was noted that the fortress built by the Karabakh khan Panichali Khan, for a long time defended the city from external intervention and was a symbol of impregnability. During the occupation, the walls of the fortress were subjected to Armenian vandalism. After the release of Shushi from the occupation in the fortress, repair and restoration work was carried out.

Guests arrived on the central Square of Shushi, where the executed statues of the famous personalities of Azerbaijan Natavan, Bulbyul and Uzeyra Hajibaili were installed. The employee of the Department of the State Reserve of the city of Shusha informed the guests about the city and the executed statues.

Then they visited the house of Hursshidban Natavan in Shusha, Khan Gyzy Bulag, Ganjin Gate of the Shushin fortress, the mosque of Yuhara Govhar, the mansion of the Mehmandarovs, the Gazanchi church. During the trip, information was given about the damage caused by the Armenians of cultural monuments during the occupation.

It was noted that after the release of Shushi from the occupation, large-scale recovery and construction work began here. Along with the construction of infrastructure, in Shusha, the restoration of the true appearance of the city, historicals of history and culture was launched.

Guests admired the landscape Jydyr Duzu.