Pashinyan will resign on March 23?

In recent days, the Armenian authorities have been taking serious steps to clarify the issue of early elections in their team. This was reported on Tuesday by the “Past” newspaper of Yerevan.

As the newspaper notes, referring to its sources, in the past two days Nikol Pashinyan and several prominent representatives of the Civil Contract party have held meetings with both the party elite and regional governors, heads of metropolitan municipalities. They want to understand what is the rating of the authorities, and more specifically of Nikol Pashinyan on the ground.

A specific instruction has been given – to be ready for any development of events, including elections.

The newspaper, again citing its sources, notes that Prime Minister Pashinyan decided to resign by March 23, and according to some reports, today or tomorrow, if nothing extraordinary happens. In this case, early elections will be held in Armenia in May.