Patrushev Accused West Of Trying To Change Status Of Baltic Sea

Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev accused the West of trying to “isolate” the Kaliningrad region. He announced this at a meeting in the Kaliningrad region.

“In order to isolate the Kaliningrad region, violations of transport messages with the main territory of Russia of the Western countries go to the maximum complication of cargo -passenger transit to Kaliningrad. Currently, transportation of goods necessary for the life and economy of the region on a land route is limited to 80% of the commodity nomenclature” – said Patrushev, whose words are given by Russian media.

According to the assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, the West strives to change the status of the Baltic Sea and ban the movement of the Russian fleet.

“After the entry of Finland and Sweden, the aspirations are clearly traced to change the status of the Baltic Sea, to revise the current legal regimes of marine spaces and straits used for international shipping. Plans for the prohibition of the movement of the Russian fleet in the Baltic Sea are made,” he said. < /p>

Patrushev also noted that Russian vessels are disconnected from the satellite communication network, which creates risks for the safety of shipping and critical information infrastructure of water transport as a whole.

“Baltic countries modernize military infrastructure to receive the forces of the North Atlantic Alliance. The practical implementation of the agreement of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia on the construction of the defensive line of structures on the border with our country has begun,” the assistant to the President of the Russian Federation also said.

In addition, Patrushev expressed concern in connection with military exercises conducted by NATO countries in the Baltic region on a regular basis.

“In the Baltic region of the NATO countries, military exercises are regularly conducted, during which scenarios of reflecting the alleged Russian attack on the Baltic countries are being worked out. The NATO maneuver” Stronger Defender “that took place in the spring of this year is an example,” he added.