Peskov: 12 package of sanctions demonstrates exhaustion of Western resources

Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov said that Russia was preparing for the fact that the sanctions of the European Union would be imposed on its diamonds.

as for Russian diamonds, it was predictable, prepared for this. I don’t think that there are no options for bypassing these sanctions. They are, they will be implemented, ”said the Kremlin representative, whose words are given by the Russian media.

Answering the question of whether the Russian Federation has options for bypassing sanctions against diamonds and whether they will be implemented, Peskov said that “unconditionally”.

The spokesman emphasized that “in any case, it will be done so as to protect and ensure the interests of” Russia.

In addition, Peskov did not see a large threat from freezing assets of defense enterprises of the Russian Federation, provided for by the 12th package of sanctions of the European Union. “Freezing of assets for defense enterprises is a small danger, because there are, of course, there are no assets that can be frozen,” he said. “In general, the 12th package indicates that the resource of those areas where sanctions may be imposed is already exhausted,” said the Kremlin representative.

EU previously approved and published the 12th package of sanctions against Russia. It has a ban on the import of Russian diamonds, tightening export-import control to comply with previous restrictions, including companies to notify the sale of tankers, as well as individual sanctions against Russian individuals and legal entities.

Gaza evacuation

In addition, Peskov said that Russia has done a “titanic work” on evacuation from a blocked gas in gas.

“A huge work was done. Indeed, it was the titanic conditions absolutely. There was a coordinated mechanism of work, contacts with all the parties that are involved in this situation, the achievement of very complex agreements and ensuring the technological, logistics chain to evacuate our fellow citizens. She gave A very good result, ”Peskov said in response to the question of how the results of the work of rescuers, diplomats to evacuate compatriots from the Gaza sector are evaluated in the Kremlin. “Of course, the work has been done very good, most importantly, necessary,” he added.

On Monday, December 18, the special score of the Russian Ministry of Emergencies brought to Moscow the last group of 73 citizens of the Russian Federation and members of their families who wished to leave the gas sector. In total, 1,124 people were evacuated and returned to their homeland from the EMERCOM and the Ministry of Emergencies and the Ministry of Emergencies. Together with them, the operational group of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation flew to the capital from Egypt. Operation for the evacuation of Russians from Gaza is completed.