Peskov: Russian Federation does not exclude possible decrease in level of diplomitions with West

Russia considers various response options to the “hostile” actions of the West, including a possible decrease in the level of diplomatic relations. This was stated by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov.

“This is a standard diplomatic practice of a state that faces unfriendly and even hostile manifestations. As the involvement in the Ukrainian conflict of the collective West countries, the United States of America, is growing, of course, Russia cannot but consider various answers to such a hostile Intervention, ”said the Kremlin representative, whose words are given by Russian media.

“But no decisions have yet been made on this subject. The foreign policy of our country is determined by the President of the Russian Federation, the head of state, and is already implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” he said.

Peskov pointed out that “when the Western countries openly declared that their main task is to ensure the strategic defeat of Russia on the battlefield, of course, this cannot but cause Moscow’s response.”

The fight against terrorism

The press secretary of the President of Russia also expressed his opinion on the persecution of terrorists.

“No one has a doubt that the fight against terrorists should be irreconcilable and most stringent,” he stressed.

According to the situation in Bolivia

Peskov also commented on the attempt of a military coup in Bolivia.

“This is an internal business of Bolivia, it is very important that our Bolivian friends themselves deal with their problems within the framework of ensuring full legality, constitutional legality. We wish you a speedy restoration of calm in this country. We hope that it will be so,” said it, “said The representative of the Kremlin.

“But it is very important, of course, so that there is no intervention of third countries in what happened in Bolivia,” he added.

On the eve of the President of Bolivia Luis Arsa reported the irregular mobilization of some divisions of the Bolivian army and urged the military to respect democracy.

In his appeal to the nation, President of Bolivia urged to remain calm. “The president and ministers of Bolivia are in the service. I urge the people to protect democracy. The military should immediately leave and return to their duties. I want them to respect democracy and the constitution,” Arsa said.

The inhabitants of Bolivia responded to the appeal of President Luis Arsa and expressed protesters to the initiators of attempts at a coup in the country.

, by order of the new -naked commander of the Bolivian army Jose Wilson Sanchez, the military, who attempted the coup, returned to their units.