Peskov: We Perceive Words Of Western Leaders About Preparing For War With Russian Federation As An Official Position

Moscow perceives the statements of Western leaders about preparing for the war with Russia as an official position. This was stated by the Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, answering the question of the Russian reporter of VGTRK Pavel Zarubin about what role in the adjustment of the nuclear doctrine played “non -stop aggressive statements” and the decisions of Western leaders in relation to Russia.

“The official statement is an official statement, especially when it is made at such a high or even the highest level. And, of course, we are building our understanding of the approaches of our counterparts, or our partners, or our opponents, enemies, precisely based on these official statements.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the constant meeting of the Security Council on nuclear deterrence proposed to discuss the issue related to the updating of the foundations of state policy in the field of nuclear deterrence.

“In the updated version of the document, aggression against Russia by any non -nuclear state, but with the participation or with the support of a nuclear state, is proposed to be considered as their joint attack on the Russian Federation. The conditions of the Russian transition to the use of nuclear weapons are also clearly recorded. We will consider this possibility Already when obtaining reliable information about the massive start of the airborne attack and the intersection of our state border, I mean strategic and tactical aircraft, cruise missiles, drones, hypersonic and other aircraft, ”said Putin.