PKK/YPG terrorists postponed holding of so -called “local elections” in Syria

The terrorist organization YPG (Syrian wing of the RSC) postponed the holding of the so -called “local elections” in the territories controlled by it in Syria.

The militants took such a step after the warning that followed from Turkey that Ankara would not allow the creation of a terrorist state in the region.

The so -called civil administration reported on Facebook that the so -called local elections planned for June 11 were postponed to August 18.

The so-called local elections were supposed to be held in four provinces, including Rakku, Deir ez-Zor, Aleppo and Khasak, in particular with coverage of Al-Jazire (Khasaka and Kamyshla), Deir Ezz, Rakka, Al- Furat (Ainylrab), Münbich, Afrin-Esh-Shekhba and Tabka, where militants are trying to achieve legitimacy.

The initiatives of the terrorist organization also provoked a reaction within Syria itself, in particular from the Kurdish political groups.

In turn, the US State Department said that any elections in Syria must be held in a healthy environment and only after the fulfillment of certain conditions. Free, fair and transparent conditions for holding elections should be formed in the country, ”the State Department noted.

However, the position of the coordinator of the US National Security Council for the Middle East and North Africa Brett McGgerk and representatives of the central command of the United States regarding the efforts of the terrorist organization continues to be questioned from the public.

Earlier, on May 30, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Ankara would never allow a separatist organization (RKK -YPG) to create a terrorist state from its southern borders in the north of Syria and Iraq.

“Turkey is not inclined to any threats, when it comes to its territorial integrity and security of its people. We, as before, are ready to take decisive measures in the fight against terrorism without hesitation,” he stressed.

The president added that in Ankara it is well known what they want to achieve and what game is played in the region with the help of a deaash terrorist organization. ” “We will not give in to these tricks,” said the Turkish leader.

The diplomatic efforts of Turkey to prevent the implementation of the so -called election plan

According to information received from diplomatic sources, after the so-called civil administration in the northeast of Syria began preparations for the so-called elections based on the “public agreement” adopted in December 2023, with the relevant factors, mainly the United States , and international organizations were conducted intensive diplomatic traffic to prevent such a step.