Population Of Kazakhstan Reached 20 243 981 People

The population of Kazakhstan as of November 1, 2024 increased by 210 139 people, amounting to 20,243,981 people. This is evidenced by the data of the Bureau of National Statistics.

According to the National Statistics Bureau, 12,727,404 people account for the urban population of the republic, rural residents – 7 516 577.

The bureau also reported that 10,353,239 women and 9,890,742 men live in the republic.

For 10 months, 309,310 children were born in the country, and the number of dead amounts to 110,867 people. The natural growth of the population reached 198,443 people.

The migration balance was also positive: 22,955 people arrived in Kazakhstan for 10 months, 11,259. Migration balance – 11,696 people.

“in comparison with the same period of 2023, the number of arrivals to Kazakhstan increased by 1618 people, and the number of those who left was reduced by 2548 people,” the Bureau of National Statistics says.

Among the most densely populated cities and regions of the country, Almaty leads – 2,280,296 people.