PRC Ships Used Vodomet Against Filipino Ship In Disputed Waters

Eight ships of the coast guard, China made maneuvers against the Filipino vessel in the area of ​​the squabble Escoda in the South China Sea (SUKM)

The Filipino news agency PNA reports with reference to the National Operational Group in the West Filippin Sea (NTF-WPS).

The ship of the Fisheries and Water Resources Bureau (BFAR) delivered food, fuel and medicines to the Philippine fishermen.

Chinese ships pursued the Philippine ship and maneuvered in dangerous proximity to it. Then one of the Chinese ships applied the waterette, as a result of which the crew of the Filipino ship.

Unprofessional, aggressive and illegal actions create a serious threat to the security of the Philippine crews and fishermen, emphasized in the statement.

In NTF-WPS, China called to stop provocative actions, destabilizing the regional world and security.

Recently, incidents leading to exacerbation of tension have become more frequent in the YUKM water area: the Chinese coast guard boats are attempted to displace the Philippine vessels.