President Erdogan congratulated personnel of Turkish Armed Forces

During the visit by the Minister of National Defense Yashar Guller the command of the 6th Corps and the United Special Forces command, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan congratulated the military on the upcoming New Year.

According to the statement of the Ministry of National Defense, the Minister Guler, after visiting the command of the 10th Panzer base and TCG Gökov, went to Kilis Chyldyrob.

Minister Guler and the delegation accompanying him visited the command of the 6th Corps and the United Command of Special Purpose Forces and wished the happy new year to the military there.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, by telephone, serving the military serving in the region, and wished them a happy new year.

“The results that we have achieved in this struggle on the borders of Syria, the heroic struggle that you are there, is a sign of why we can be safe at any time,” said Erdogan, wishing to the heroes who gave their lives to the heroes and Healing to the wounded.

President Erdogan added the following:

“There is no need to explain how we left behind 2023. I hope that in the next period we will be safe with our heroes and continue our way. I congratulate all our military, all commanders and I hope that 2024 will also be Favorable. I send hello to you, love and respect. “