President Erdogan: No one can limit our actions

Turkish President Redzap Tayyip Erogan took part in the ceremony of presenting diplomas at the Gölbash police Academy.

The head of the Turkish state praised the activities of security services and thanked for the service. In his speech at the ceremony, the president especially noted the role of the police in maintaining stability and law and order, and also emphasized their successful activities in the struggle against terrorist organizations.

– no one can limit our actions

Erdogan in his speech said that Turkey would not tolerate attempts to damage the economy, tourism, trade and public diplomacy of the country.

“We will not accept a single organization that puts itself above the interests of the state and the nation, regardless of the appearance in which it is rushed or disguised,” said Erdogan, adding that the fight against the Fetö terrorist organization will continue, regardless of that, regardless wherever her members are hiding.

According to the president, 603 local, regional, national and international criminal groups are defeated in the fight against organized criminal organizations.

President Erdogan announced the conduct of new operations against terrorist organizations that threaten Turkey.

“In the summer months we will spend much more decisive and aimed at the result of the operations against terrorists,” he said.

President Erdogan said that over the past year during operations against the RSC/KSK, a total of 1045 terrorists have been neutralized, 7 of which were on the red list.