President of Azerbaijan: at least three EU countries said Cold War to Azerbaijan

Today, at least three countries-member countries of the European Union declared a cold war to Azerbaijan. This was the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at a meeting with a delegation of the parliamentary assembly of the Turkic -speaking countries (Turkpa) in Baku on Thursday, the seventh of June.

According to the press service of the head of the Azerbaijani state, Aliyev accepted the Secretary General of the Turkpa Mehmet Era, the chairman of the great national assembly of Turkey Numan Kurtulmush, the chairman of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, Yerlan Koshanov, the chairman of the Jogorku Kenesh Kyrgyz, Nurlanbek Shakiev, the chairman of the Socialist Republic of Olive Bekistan Tanzili Narbaeva , Chairman of the Assembly of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Zorl Tore and Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly of Hungary Martrai.

In an interview with Hungarian, Ilham Aliyev emphasized that Budapest is a number one partner for Baku in the European Union. “In some cases, when unreasonable accusations are made to Azerbaijan, Hungary is the first to get to our defense,” the president said.

According to the president, Baku’s relationship with the European Union can be described positively, however, after the Second Karabakh war and especially last year’s anti -terrorist operation, some European countries began to unreasonably and unscrupulously attack Azerbaijan.

To denigrate Azerbaijan, to throw the shadow of what it does, to call white black, and black white, to support the invading and defeat the surrounding occupation for some countries of the European Union, the head of the Azerbaijani state continued.

“The basis of this is by no means the norms of international law, but personal painful ambitions. Unfortunately, some countries seeking to take a special place in Europe were even able to put together the anti-azerbaijani group. Today, at least three countries of the European Union announced to Azerbaijan a cold They are known for the war.

The president noted that he repeatedly told guests from Europe that Azerbaijan restored his territorial integrity, which the whole world recognized.

“We have been waiting for 28 years. We wanted to solve it peacefully. But we saw that those who opposed us wanted to make this occupation eternal. They wanted to use Armenia as an instrument in the South Caucasus, so that Armenia went on the offensive against We restored all our neighbors, defended our territorial integrity, restored our sovereignty, ”the Azerbaijani leader emphasized.

Aliyev noted that in the course of high pressure on Hungary in the European Union. “And this is a complete violation of democratic principles declared in the European space. This is incomprehensible to the mind. Sanctions are imposed against the NATO member country, a member of the European Union located in the center of Europe, a country that wants to pursue its policy. Where is democracy?”, Asked? ” Aliyev.