President Of Azerbaijan: In Process Of Normalizing Relations With Armenia, Progress Is Observed

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said that in the process of normalizing relations with Armenia, progress is observed.

“According to the information provided to me by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, 80-90 percent of the text has already been agreed. Armenia was forced to remove the situation and terminology (regarding Karabakh – ed.), Which opened the way for the further development of the normalization process,” said it Aliyev on the second Shushinsky global media forum on the topic “Exposing false narratives: the fight against misinformation”.

However, the head of state emphasized, two questions are currently open: “Firstly, Armenia should positively answer our proposal. Secondly, Armenia and Azerbaijan should jointly turn to the OSCE with a request for the dissolution of the Minsk group , since this group has actually inactive for the last couple of years. “

In his speech, the president also spoke about the meeting in the UK with the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, which the Armenian Prime Minister refused.

According to him, negotiations on the text of a peace agreement are ongoing, but today it is less optimistic about this.

The head of state recalled that Prime Minister Pashinyan refused to meet him in the UK. He said that this meeting was an initiative and a proposal from the British government. “However, the Armenian side rejected this proposal, which we were very surprised,” Aliyev said.