President of Belarus: EAEC has proved demand and effectiveness for ten years of existence

The European Economic Union (EAEU) over ten years of its existence has convincingly proved demand and effectiveness.

This is stated in the text of the congratulations addressed to the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to the chairman of the Higher Eurasian Economic Council, Prime Minister Armenia Nikol Pashinyan and members of the vessel, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, President of Kazakhstan Kasim-Zhomarta Tokaev and President of Kyrgyz Sader Zadarov in connection with Day of the Eurasian Economic Union, the press service of the Belarusian leader on Wednesday, May 29, reports.

The Head of State noted that the EAEU is an important regional integration association, ensuring the close economic interaction of the participating states based on equal rights and partnerships.

today the Union is an important regional integration association that ensures close economic interaction of the participating states based on equality and partnership, ”the text of congratulations says.

The President of Belarus expressed confidence that the further expansion of the organization, which has established itself as a unique dialogue site, will successfully solve large -scale tasks enshrined in the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union, will make a significant contribution to joint opposition to external challenges.

Alexander Lukashenko wished everyone health, strength and energy to achieve high goals. “I will be glad to continue our constructive cooperation,” the President of Belarus emphasized.