President of Belarus: US and EU dealt with competitors with help of sanctions

Belarus, lined with barriers and prohibitions, lives and works in difficult economic conditions.

This is the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, at a meeting with the leadership of the Council of Ministers, one of which was the opposition of the withdrawal of capital, the presidential press service reports on Thursday.

Lukashenko noted that sanctions are a traditional and repeatedly developed practice of pressure from the so -called world leaders on the countries that were objectionable to them.

“Unfortunately, this, so to speak, is a fashionable economic trend. Thus, both the States and the European Union have long been dealing with competitors,” the president continued.

At the same time, the head of state said, Belarus offers foreigners one of the best conditions: preferences, benefits, infrastructure, of course, competence.

“Come and work. But not for the sake of profit at the expense of our people. And if someone tries, there are mechanisms of counteraction and enlightenment,” the head of state noted.

Nevertheless, Lukashenko noted, representatives of state control reports on the facts of the outflow of funds to unfriendly countries and even about the targeted withdrawal of profit outside the Belarusian.

“There are companies – ours, not ours. They made a profit, some money and withdrew outside Belarus, placed on the accounts. The money earned by our people is withdrawn outside the Belarusian and work for different villains who are injected against us sanctions, ”the president said.

Another topic of the meeting was the adjustment of customs legislation. According to the government, changes are necessary for the harmonization of the legislation of Belarus and Russia.

“That is, within the framework of the implementation of the Union Program. But in the process of unification it is impossible to infringe on the interests of the state,” said Alexander Lukashenko.

The President recalled that when a decision was made to unify the legislation of the two countries, including in the customs sphere, the proposals “almost create one ministry or the Customs Committee” sounded. “We categorically refused and agreed, at the Higher State Council (Union State. – Approx.) Including that we will create a single group that will make recommendations, see how customs control is carried out and so on, without depriving the state of these powers and functions. This suggests that we, Russia and Belarus, sovereign, independent states. And we must proceed from this, making certain decisions. And as you see, we manage to build such allied relations that no one knew on the planet and Doesn’t know, ”said Alexander Lukashenko.

The head of state noted that the relations of the two countries, no matter how good they are, should improve. But in case of any changes, innovations, you need to remember first of all about sovereignty and independence.

“The system is general, similar, but there should be two sovereign, independent states,” the president added.