President of Belarus visited suburban center of Mongolian culture

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko as part of an official visit to Mongolia on Tuesday, on June 4 he visited a country center of Mongolian culture.

According to the press service of the head of the Belarusian state, the president got acquainted with the original traditions and customs of the people of Mongolia.

immediately upon the arrival of Lukashenko and the President of Mongolia Ukhnaiin Huralsukh, they planted trees on the territory of the center – Siberian spruce.

In honor of the high guest from Belarus for the heads of states, the atmosphere of the Naadam festival annually held annually in July. Vocal and choreographic numbers are shown mixed with traditional Mongol sports. One of them is a struggle.

Lukashenko demonstrated a traditional Mongolian bow for shooting. Arrows are made from deer horns and bamboo, and the bowstring is made of silk.

The heads of state also watched the shooting of masters. Together with the Mongolian colleague, Luke and the President of Belarus tested.

The heads of state continued to communicate for an informal dinner. Lukashenko presented to President of Mongolia Ukhanagiin Huralsukh two Belarus tractors of various models. Khurelsukh handed it to Alexander Lukashenko a couple of Mongolian horses – stallions of Kaura of the suit.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko arrived on a state visit to Mongolia on June 1. The heads of the two state met in a narrow and expanded formats, according to the results of the negotiations, a press conference was held, a package of documents under bilateral cooperation was signed.