President of Bolivia: No one will take democracy that we conquered

No one will take the democracy that the people won, said Bolivia President Luis Arsa, addressing the people after an unsuccessful attempt by a coup in the country.

“We, all the Bolivians, will prevent all attempts by the coup,” the head of state emphasized, speaking from the balcony of the Government Palace in the administrative capital of La Pas.

Arsa thanked the public for her sensitive attitude to democracy.

“All that they do is damaged by the international image of the country. Today, the international community and people of Bolivia have witnessed attempts by a coup d’etat. We are here with our team and ministers in order to deal with all attempts by the coup, which threaten our democracy. No one can take away the democracy that we won.

The Bolivian people did not leave our call for democracy unanswered and together opposed him. We cannot allow repetition of such attempts by a coup. Long live democracy, down the coups, ”said the President of Bolivia.