President Of Georgia Had Lawsuit In Constitutional Court Due To Law On Foreign Agents

President of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili filed a lawsuit in the Constitutional Court on the Law on foreign agents (“On the Transparency of Foreign Infant”), reports Newsgeorgia.

“The specified law is unconstitutional, it contradicts article 78 of the Georgian Constitution. A number of law norms are also disputed in the lawsuit that violate the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution. The president demands to suspend the law and finally cancel it,” said the Parliamentary Secretary of the President Georgy Mskhiladze.

In the “Georgian dream”, in response to the actions of Zurabishvili, they said that it “represents a radical group, which is enemies and traitors of the country, governed by a foreign country, by another force.”

The question of the acceptability of the claim remains with the judges of the COP. Article 78 of the Constitution of Georgia states: “Constitutional bodies, within their powers to take all measures to ensure the complete integration of Georgia into the European Union and the organization of the North Atlantic Treaty”.

Despite the calls of international partners, on May 28, the Georgian parliament overcame the president’s veto law on foreign agents. The law involves the creation of a special registry and declares the interests of foreign influence non -governmental and media organizations receiving foreign grants.

The European Union has repeatedly stated that the bill does not comply with the recommendations for further promotion in the EU. Further development of events led to the fact that Brussels announced the suspension of the integration of Georgia. At the same time, the United States announced a complete revision of relations with Georgia.