President of Kyrgyzstan and Emir Katar negotiated in Bishkek

In Bishkek, the Ala-Arch state residence met President Sadyr Zhaparov with Emir Katar Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Tanya, the Kabar agency reports.

Zhaparov noted that the visit of Emir is of great historical significance, since it is the first to have the status of the state over 30 years of cooperation between Kyrgyzstan with the Arabic country.

“Undoubtedly, your visit is based on mutual trust, and I am sure that it will open a new page in fraternal relations. This year it will be 25 years old to establish diplomatic relations between our states. It is gratifying that we solemnly celebrate this event with respectable friends On the Qatari side, ”said the Kyrgyz leader.

Following the negotiations of President Zhaparov and Emir Katar in Bishkek, 13 documents were signed.