President Of Kyrgyzstan: SCO Initiatives Reflect Desire For Stable And Safe Region

SCO initiatives fully reflect a general desire to build a stable, safe and prosperous region. This was stated by the President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov, speaking at the next meeting of the Council of the heads of the SCO state (SSG SCO) in Astana.

The Head of State expressed an opinion on the initiative of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization “On World Unity for Fair Peace and Consent”, as well as the statements of the SGG SCO “On the principles of good neighborliness, trust and partnership”.

Zhaparov in noted that from the day of founding, expanding the spheres of his activity, the SCO also successfully increases his affiliate potential. He congratulated President Alexander Lukashenko on the receipt of the status of a full -fledged member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The President of the Kyrgyz Republic noted that existing global problems, such as terrorism, cyberism and international crime, require close attention and joint work. He noted the importance of the initiative of Kyrgyzstan about the creation of the Center for Combating International Organized Crime in Bishkek.

The President emphasized that mutually beneficial partnerships in matters of trade and economic ties are one of the foundations of stable economic and financial well-being of the SCOs in the context of economic globalization.

He called on the purpose of forming an open economy and strengthening a multilateral trading system to continue to reduce trade barriers throughout the SCO space.