President Of Mongolia: Ulan Bator Attaches Great Importance To Development Of Relations With United States

Mongolia attaches great importance to the development of relations with the United States, an important “third neighbor” and a reliable partner of Ulan Bator.

This is the President of Mongolia Ukhnagiin Huralsukh during a meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in Ulan Bator, Montsame reports.

The Head of State noted that the second CD, jointly implemented by the Government of Mongolia and the Calls Crown Corporation, which is a symbol of friendship between the peoples of the two countries, is important for solving the problems of water supply in Ulan-Bator and ensuring sustainable economic development Mongolia.

The president emphasized that he would consistently maintain the successful implementation of the CD in the established time limits.

Anthony Blinken supported the proposals and initiatives of Mongolia on the international and regional arenas and noted that he advocates the deepening of cooperation between the two countries.

The parties agreed to actively develop mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of pure energy, education, environment, food, agriculture, trade and economics as part of the strategic partnership of the Third neighbor between Mongolia and the USA.