President Of Russian Federation Expanded Visa -free Regime For Georgian Citizens

Russian President Vladimir Putin expanded the grounds for a visa -free regime for Georgian citizens. The new version of the Decree, which was published on the portal of legal information, no longer contains exceptions previously necessary for citizens of Georgia in order to enter the territory of the Russian Federation.

According to the document, from now on the visa -free regime applies to Georgian citizens who enter Russia “in order to carry out labor activity or for a period of more than 90 days for temporary stay, including for the purpose of obtaining education”.

“enter to paragraph 1 of the Decree of the President of Russia dated May 10, 2023 No. 335” On the procedure for entering Russia and departure from Russia of Russian citizens “(collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2023, No. 20, Article 3529) the following changes: a) From the first word “from May 15, 2023” to) from subparagraph “a” word entering Russia in order to carry out more than 90 days including for the purpose of obtaining an “exclude,” the document says.

The decree comes into force from the day of its signing – October 10.

Earlier, all citizens of Georgia could enter the territory of Russia for more than 90 days with the exception of those who arrived in the country for the purpose of labor or training.

The visa regime for Russian citizens by Georgia was canceled in 2012.

– Putin endowed the Ministry of Defense with the authority to organize and supervision at facilities with nuclear weapons

In addition, Putin endowed the Ministry of Defense with the powers to organize and supervision in the field of industrial safety at facilities with nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants of military purposes.

According to the decree published on the website of legal acts, the Russian military department receives the right to organize and supervise industrial safety at facilities with nuclear weapons.