Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to approve the plan to meet the needs of the country for drones. The list of instructions is published on the Kremlin website following a meeting on the development of unmanned aviation systems in Togliatti.
“By 2030, Russia should be one of the global technological leaders in the field of unmanned aviation systems. For this, on the domestic technological and production platform – both domestic industry, infrastructure and system of drunkenness service will have to create a powerful industry. This area is designed to become one of the key in the technological development of Russia,” the president said during meetings.
“It is obvious that the situation is complicated, the competition in this area in the world is acute and so that by 2030 in the field of unmanned aviation Russia to be among the world technological leaders, the development of the industry should be radically accelerated. The relevant decisions should be made as soon as possible, all key measures should be provided with appropriate financing,” he stressed.
Following the meeting, the President of the Russian Federation approved a list of instructions for the development of unmanned aviation systems.
“to analyze the needs of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organizations operating in various sectors of the economy, in unmanned aviation systems, including in the part of their quantity and characteristics, and, according to the results of the analysis, approve the plan for providing such needs, providing for the participation of medium and small technological companies that produce unpretated aviation systems and their Components, ”the presidential list of instructions says.
In addition, by June 1, the government should take measures to ensure an increase in the level of localization of the production of key nodes (assemblies and their components) of drones, as well as approve the programs providing for the creation of production lines for drones and equipping them with such production lines.