President of Ukraine discussed with President of Philippines global summit of world

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, as part of a visit to Manila, met with President Filippin Ferdinand Markos Jr..

According to the press service of the Ukrainian leader, the meeting was the first in the history of bilateral relations.

The head of the Ukrainian state expressed gratitude to the President of the Philippines for supporting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, as well as important UN resolutions condemning Russian aggression.

“very glad to be for the first time in your country. We are grateful for your clear position on the aggression of the Russian Federation against our country,” he stressed.

Vladimir Zelensky informed about the opening of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Filippins already this year, which should strengthen cooperation between states.

The President of Ukraine spoke about the preparation for the first global summit of the world and noted the importance of representing the countries of Southeast Asia at this event. The Philippines agreed to take part in the summit.

Also during the meeting, they discussed the issues of bilateral cooperation, in particular, the supply of Ukrainian agrarian products to the Philippines.

Diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the Philippines last 32 years. They were officially installed on April 7, 1992.

The Philippines supported our country in the vote for a resolution on the territorial integrity of Ukraine during a meeting of the UN General Assembly on March 27, 2014, and also decisively condemned Russian aggression after the start of a full -scale invasion.

According to the Filippins of the Republic of the Republic, in May 2024, 95 Ukrainians live in the country.