President of Ukraine told Chairman of Bundesrat Germany about needs of Ukrainian military

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky held the chairman of the Bundesrat Germany, Prime Minister of the Earth Meklenburg-passing Pomerania Manuel Schwezig, for the first time in Ukraine on a visit.

According to the press service of the Office of the President of Ukraine, the head of state thanked for the support of Ukraine by Germany, the packages of assistance and asylum for Ukrainians.

Zelensky also noted the approval by states – members of the European Union of negotiation framework for Ukraine to join the EU.

The president spoke about the situation on the battlefield and the priority needs of Ukrainians against the backdrop of the strengthening of Russian air attacks. Vladimir Zelensky noted the German initiative to provide Ukraine with air defense means and noted that our country needs the supply of additional air defense systems as soon as possible, ” – The message says.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the specific results of the conference on the restoration of Ukraine (URC 2024) in Berlin.

“Many documents, many contracts were concluded both at the level of states and at the level of the communities of Ukraine and Germany. An important dialogue was also held between business representatives,” the president said.

Vladimir Zelensky and Manuel Shvezig discussed the results of the joint patronage of the President of Ukraine and the Federal President of Germany over Ukrainian and German cities and communities. In particular, the strengthening of cooperation between the land of Mecklenburg-passing Pomerania and the Chernihiv region noted.