President of Uzbekistan explained role of women in state and community administration

Asian countries, in which more than half of the world’s population live, achieve significant progress in the full achievement of the goals of sustainable development, ensuring gender equality, protecting the rights of women and a sharp increase in their role and influence in state and community administration. >

This was stated by the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, referring to the participants of the Asian forum women.

The Head of State noted that the first international conference held in Uzbekistan will make a significant contribution to the increase in the activity of women in the socio-political, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres, in the exchange of experience and strengthening friendly relations of cooperation.

According to him, today all countries and peoples of the Asian continent have been combined in a single extensive space for centuries and supported close cooperation in various fields.

“The region of Central Asia, located at the intersection of the Great Silk Road, for millennia was a powerful force for the development of various cultures and civilizations and a huge spiritual cradle of high universal values,” the president said.

Mirziyoyev emphasized that in recent years, the constant strengthening of long -term, comprehensive and mutually beneficial relations with all countries of the Asian continent is a priority for the new Uzbekistan.

“In our country, women are an integral part of society, and the issues of complete support of their rights and interests, the protection of motherhood and childhood have found a comprehensive reflection in such conceptual documents as an updated constitution, the strategy of” Uzbekistan-2030 “and a strategy for achieving gender equality in The Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030, ”he said.

The President noted that Uzbekistan continues to “greatly work to expand the economic capabilities of women, the full implementation of their leadership and entrepreneurial potential, provide them with modern education, professional training and employment, and a systematic solution to the problems of vulnerable and needy women.”

“Indeed, our respected women – active participants in today’s historical changes – are constructive power in the implementation of our irreversible democratic reforms and rapid development, as well as a strong basis for a fair and peaceful, multinational and prosperous state, which we are building,” emphasized Head of State.