President of Uzbekistan noted dynamically developing cooperation with China

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev adopted a delegation of the People’s People’s Republic, headed by Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council Liu Gozhun, who is in Tashkent to participate in the next meeting of the Uzbek-Chinese Interpores Committee on Cooperation.

According to the press service of the Uzbek leader, the meeting considered topical issues of further development of multifaceted cooperation and deepening the relations of all-weather strategic partnerships.

The interlocutors analyzed the course of the implementation of the agreements reached according to the results of the highest level to China in January of this year.

“In this context, the fruitful results of the committee, steady increase in the volume of trade and involved investments, an increase in the frequency of regular flights, and the active conduct of cultural measures,” the message noted.

were noted with satisfaction.

Particular attention at the meeting was paid to the issues of ensuring the balance of trade indicators and creating favorable conditions for accessing domestic products to the Chinese market, accelerating the implementation of important investment projects in strategic sectors of the economy, expanding the cooperation of regions, the implementation of humanitarian, educational and tourist programs.

In addition, the parties discussed aspects of the speedy beginning of the practical phase of work on the construction of the Railway “PRC-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan”.