President Tokaev: Nomadic Civilization Left Deep Mark In World History

President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Zhomart Tokaev took part in the opening ceremony of the V-World Games of Nomads.

Honorary Guests of the event held at the Astana Arena stadium, was the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov, Chairman of the Khalk of Maslahata, Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, the head of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, the head of the Republic of Sakhasa Nikolaev, ex-president of Mongolia n Enkhbyar, President of the World Ethnomostary Ethnosport Confederation, Bilal Erdogan, leaders of such international structures as UNESCO, SVMDA, the United Nations, the United Nations, the organization of the Turkic states, Turks, the Turkic investment fund, the parliamentary Assembly of the Turkic states, the Islamic Commonwealth of the Sports, the Islamic Organization for Production Security, and also a special representative of the European Union in Central Asia and other officials.

In his speech, Kasym-Zhomart Tokaev expressed gratitude to the leaders of fraternal states, high guests and athletes who arrived in Kazakhstan to participate in an important event of an international scale.


As the president emphasized, the nomadic civilization left a deep mark in world history.

Tokaev in his speech noted that the nomads of the Great Steppe inhabited Eurasia since ancient times. Possessing technologies innovative for their time, they contributed to global progress.


“Five thousand years ago, nomads domesticated the horse and formed an ridiculous culture that spread around the world. The steppe masters made advanced samples of weapons and magnificent jewelry. Bright evidence – the found” golden people “of the” Saksky period, “he said. < /p>


The Head of State emphasized that the Kazakh land gave the world such outstanding personalities as al-Farabi and Khoja Ahmed Jassaui, who made a significant contribution to the development of science and humanistic ideas. Our ancestors created strong states and erected in the Great Steppe impressive medieval cities with their sizes and beauty, including Otrar, Turkestan, Taraz, Sarayshik.


“Speaking a bridge between the West and the East, the nomads contributed to the rapprochement of different cultures. On these vast spaces at different times, the Huns and Turkic Kaganates, the Golden Horde and Kazakh Khanate flourished at different times, – summed up the president of Kazakhstan.