Prime Minister: Armenia Is Close To “point Of No Return” In Relations With CSTO

Armenia is close to the “Point of Non -Return” in relations with the organization of the collective security agreement (CSTO). This was stated by the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan at the All-Armenian Forum, local media reports.

According to him, the CSTO poses threats to Armenia’s security, its future existence and sovereignty.

“Armenia froze participation in the CSTO, because this structure created threats to the sovereignty of the republic,” Pashinyan’s words are given.

At the same time, the prime minister noted that Armenia does not intend to break out economic ties either with Russia or with the EAEU. He explained that Armenia seeks to diversify his economic relations, developing cooperation with the EU and the United States, but we are talking about supplementing, not replacement.

According to Pashinyan, diversification is a “gradual process that takes time.”

At the same time, the head of government emphasized that “if Armenia sees the slightest opportunity to join the EU and understands that he can control this potential risks, he will certainly take advantage of this chance”.