Prime Minister of Armenia declared inappropriate referendum to join EU

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan considers it inappropriate to hold a referendum for joining the EU, but I am sure that the people of the republic has European aspirations, TASS reports.

“We are told that we must conduct a referendum to show that the people support the idea of ​​becoming an EU member. I themselves said that Armenia is ready to be as close to the EU as the EU consider it possible. If I thought that the people Armenia does not share this statement, if we conduct a referendum, we must conduct a campaign. . , in which the EU and the US ambassadors took part, as well as representatives of international and public organizations.

Several Armenian pro -Western political forces united within the framework of one platform and demand that the country’s authorities hold a referendum on joining the European Union. They recently held hearings in parliament, during which they installed the EU flag on the rostrum and made sharp anti -Russian statements.