Prime Minister of Armenia Pashinyan: We must stop search for “Historical Armenia”

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that Armenia should stop the search for “historical Armenia.” Currently, Armenia consists of 29 thousand 743 square kilometers of land inhabited by Armenians.

Answering the questions of the deputies of the National Assembly of Armenia, Prime Minister Pashinyan noted that they have huge problems of mutual understanding in the field of management, that these problems cannot be resolved at the right time and in the right way. He stated that he is making efforts to solve problems.

Pashinyan added that they could not form a state vision and understanding that could indicate the path of solving problems, and this is reflected in the attitude of individuals.

Armenian Prime Minister noted that when his country gained independence in 1991, there was no way to develop a program that it will be in 20 years.

Having emphasized that this problem is still preserved and that the realistic vision of Armenia is necessary, Pashinyan said that one of the most important issues in the social psychology of Armenia is “the search for lost Armenia.” Pashinyan continued as follows:

“We are looking for a homeland inside the homeland. Now our political message is such. Dear citizens, dear citizens of the Republic of Armenia, we must stop the search for” historical Armenia “because we found this homeland. This homeland is the Republic of Armenia, which includes 29,743 square kilometers of sovereign territory. “

Armenian Prime Minister noted that the second important problem is a constitution, which is the basis of the order of legal relations, and that constitutional reforms should be based on the principle of self -determination of the living conditions of the people within the state, which is the greatest guideline of sovereignty.

– a call to the transparency of church income

Speaking of the Armenian Church, Pashinyan said that the “shadow” in the field of church income should be completely eliminated and transparency should be ensured, and noted that the government made a proposal for taxation of church revenues.

He further said: “We officially proposed entering the tax system and return all the collected money of the Armenian Apostolic Church, and also stated that we are ready to provide additional funding, if necessary for work such as protecting and restoring historical and cultural monuments.”

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan recalled that this proposal was rejected by the Church.