Prime Minister of Moldova: Chisinau highly appreciates constant support from United States

Moldova and the USA collaborate to provide citizens with peace and well -being.

This was stated by Prime Minister of Moldova Dorin Rechan in an interview with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in Chisinau, reports Moldipres.

The head of the Moldavian government and US Secretary of State visited the Brail power station, where large -sized electricity storage systems in batteries will be installed.

Investments in the amount of $ 85 million were announced the day before by an American official and are part of a package of supporting the energy sector of the Republic of Moldova at $ 300 million, declared in 2023.

The head of the Cabinet of Ministers praised the constant support provided by Moldova with the American side, noting that the same amount was allocated last year to help the government in compensation for citizens’ accounts for energy consumption.

According to him, US assistance is not limited to the energy sector, but applies to areas such as economic growth, reform of justice, the fight against corruption, the agro -voltage sector, increasing the stability of state institutions.

“The Republic of Moldova and the United States collaborates to ensure the most important thing for citizens – peace and well -being. We will continue the necessary reforms to ensure a prosperous and safe future for citizens, integrate our country into the European Union, and US support is still important for Achievements of these essential goals, ”said Prime Minister Dorin Rechan.

For his part, the US Secretary of State confirmed the decisive support of the United States to help the Republic of Moldova in the development of a more stable, effective and strong energy sector.

“Continuation of US assistance will support the authorities of Moldova in continuation of the efforts to reform. We will help the Republic of Moldova build a democratic, prosperous and sovereign future,” said US Secretary of State.

As the agency notes, the new large -sized battery storage system (BESS) and additional equipment will increase the reliability of the Moldovan electric networks and will contribute to the effective control of energy reserves and fluctuations in demand, integration of renewable energy sources and increasing supplies of supplies to consumers as necessary. >

The United States has provided Moldova since 1992, exceeding $ 2.5 billion. Since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Washington has provided the Republic of Moldova with financial assistance in the amount of $ 774 million, of which 300 million are designed to overcome the energy crisis and strengthen energy security.