Prime Minister Of Ukraine Introduced Candidacy Of 8 Ministers To Parliament

In the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, at the suggestion of the deputy faction of the political party “Servant of the people”, the representations of Prime Minister Denis Shmygal on the appointment of eight ministers received. This was reported by a representative of the Ukrainian government in the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnichuk in Telegram,

according to his information, there were ideas about the appointment of Olga Stefanishina Deputy Prime Minister on European and Euro -Atlantic integration of Ukraine – Minister of Justice of Ukraine, Alexei Kuleba – Deputy Prime Minister for the restoration of Ukraine – Minister of Development of Gromad and territories of Ukraine, Vitaly Koval – Minister of Agrarian Policy and the food of Ukraine, Matvey Bidnoy – Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Svetlana Grinchuk – Minister of Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Natalia Kalmykova – Minister for Veterans of Ukraine, German Smetanin – Minister of Strategic Features of the Industry of Ukraine and Nikolai Tochitsky – Minister of Culture and Minister of Culture and the Minister of Culture and the Minister of Culture and the Minister of Culture strategic communications of Ukraine.

At a meeting of the “Servant of the People” faction with the participation of the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky, on September 4, nine candidates of new ministers were agreed on September 4, while the candidacy of the First Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Sibigi was proposed to the post of head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“A meeting of the faction was held … On the agenda – a personnel update … President Vladimir Zelensky joined us. According to the results of the meeting of the faction, they developed a general picture of personnel rotations to strengthen the state: Foreign Ministry – Andrei Sibiga,” wrote the head of the faction of David Arahamia in Telegram.