Prince Harry regretted scandalous interview with Opro Winfrey

Prince Harry regrets an interview with this American TV presenter Opre Winfrey in March. About this Daily Mail told one of his biographers.

According to Duncan Larcomb (Duncan Larcombe), the author of the book “History of Prince Harry”, Duke Susseksky gave free to emotions during an interview with a journalist, but now regrets it.

“He is a hot-tempered guy and often goes on the feeling,” said Larcomb.

Biographer remembered the case once attended the party, where he was invited by Prince William. When Prince Harry noticed a writer, he thought that he made himself to a closed event with secret, scored and arranged a scandal. However, after Duke Cambridge explained everything to his brother, Prince Harry calmed down, apologized and drank with Larcomb beer.

Larcomb is confident that in the case of an interview with Opera, a similar story happened. Prince Harry was raised by the attitude of some of his relatives to Megan Plant, because of what anger splashed and insult to the camera.

“But I think that by returning home, he felt regret about what was said. Now he faced the consequences. I am sure he regrets this interview and, perhaps, even about the decision to leave the royal family,” said the biographer.

March 8, CBS TV channel showed the first joint interview that Prince Harry and Megan Planked after moving to the United States. Harry said that during the first pregnancy, Megan some members of the royal family expressed concern about the color of the skin of their future child. Megan admitted that he was thinking about suicide because of the injury in the British press.